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New Release: Lift

March 1st, 2010 No comments

51tkybBfS1L._SL160_By Kelly Corrigan
Hyperion | 96pgs
Release Date: March 2, 2010

Addressing her children, Kelly Corrigan writes a tender, richly intimate missive on the challenges and joys of parenthood in her new book Lift. With humor and thoughtfulness, the author intertwines the real-life stories of three adults’ experiences with the peaks and pitfalls of raising children. The book title, taken from a hang gliding term, describes the technique in which a glider must fly deliberately into turbulent air, in order to avoid losing altitude. Corrigan chose this term to symbolize the challenging, sometimes rough and chaotic, ride of parenting. She highlights the complexity of this role with honesty and tenderness. Though parents may fall short in their duties at times, Lift serves as a reminder of the importance and rewards of child rearing.
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