
Posts Tagged ‘Botswana’

New Release: The Double Comfort Safari Club

April 20th, 2010 No comments

51QwEJIec9L._SL160_By Alexander Mccall Smith
Pantheon | 224pgs
Release Date: April 20, 2010

Botswana’s intrepid lady detectives return in The Double Comfort Safari Club, the eleventh installment of Alexander Mccall Smith’s charming No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series. Precious Ramotswe and her assistant detective Grace Makutsi tackle a variety interesting cases, investigating a potentially adulterous husband and extricating another client from the clutches of a gold-digging girlfriend. Mma Makutsi also battles personal difficulties as well. Her patience is growing thin, waiting for her fiancĂ© Phuti Radiphuti to set a wedding date. But, things get worse when he suffers a serious leg injury and his abrasive aunt does everything in her power to keep Grace from visiting him in the hospital. A more upbeat case involving an unexpected inheritance sends the ladies to a safari lodge on the Okavango Delta, where the stunning beauty of nature leaves them in awe. Yet, the beautiful landscape is soon forgotten when a guest turns up dead, and the detective duo work to solve the case with their unique mix of logic and compassion.
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