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Sneak Peek at New Stephen King Cover

Stephen King fans can’t wait to see what’s Under the Dome. Over the past couple weeks, the cover artwork for his new book Under the Dome has been revealed in stages at: stephenkingunderthedome.com. The final reveal will be on Monday, October 5. King conceived the idea for the cover, and Scribner art director Rex Bonomelli worked with artists in the U.S. and abroad to realize the vision. The artists used a combination of illustrations, 3D renderings and photographs to bring the cover to life.

©2009 Scribner

©2009 Simon & Schuster

Under the Dome takes place in Chester’s Mill, Maine (of course) and chronicles the mayhem that ensues after the town is suddenly enveloped by an invisible dome. Fans won’t be able to get their hands on a copy until November 10, when the 1,000+ page tome goes on sale. For now, the sneak preview of the jacket art will have to suffice.

Are you excited about the new Stephen King book? Take a look at the cover art, and leave a comment to tell us what you think.

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