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New Release: To Hell on a Fast Horse

51wWB9lV-rL._SL160_By Mark Lee Gardner
HarperCollins Publishers | 336pgs
Release Date: February 09, 2010

Western historian Mark Lee Gardner weaves the life stories of Sheriff Pat Garrett and outlaw Billy the Kid (William Bonney) together in the twin biography To Hell on a Fast Horse: Billy the Kid, Pat Garrett, and the Epic Chase to Justice in the Old West. Drawing from extensive research and historical documents, Gardner separates myth from the truth, following the lawman’s intense quest to bring the notorious criminal to justice. From Billy the Kid’s initial capture in Las Vegas in December of 1880, to his reckless daylight escape from a courthouse in April of 1881, Gardner documents one of the Old West’s most iconic rivalries. “I am not going to leave the country,” states the Kid upon his escape, “and I am not going to reform, neither am I going to be taken alive again.” These words prove to be prophetic.

Billy the Kid’s final showdown with Garrett comes in July 1881, with the Sheriff shooting him to death. Though Garrett’s shot makes him famous, it also burdens him with the romanticized reputation of an outlaw killer for the rest of his life. Early editorial reviews have given Gardner high praise for his thorough research and riveting storytelling in this Old West biography. The Library Journal review concludes: “Highly recommended both for readers of popular history and for scholars. ”

  1. Joy L.
    February 18th, 2010 at 10:21 | #1

    This sounds like a really interesting read. Also probably more accurate than the portrayal of the rivalry between Garrett and Billy the Kid in Young Guns II.

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